Sumar : Jurnalista australiana Natasha Bita a cistigat cel mai prestigios premiu din jurnalism pentru a fi dezvaluit (intr-un articol care se poate citi mai jos) efectele nocive ale vaccinarii antigripale la copii. Intr-adevar, vaccinarea se poate insoti de riscul de a dezvolta convulsii, cca 10% dintre acesti copii putind ramine ulterior bolnavi de epilepsie. Articolul, extrem de bine documentat si prezentat, a ajutat la retragerea de pe piata a productiei de vaccin antigripal si a completat tabloul riscului la care supunem copiii atunci cind ii vaccinam.
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Pentru cei ce doresc sa citeasca in detaliu articolul, iata originalul:
„Australian journalist wins prestigious award for exposing flu vaccine scandal
Posted on November 28, 2011 by The Refusers
MB Comment: Natasha Bita, a journalist for The Australian has just won a Walkley Award (the Australian equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize) for an in-depth article series on the CSL Afluria flu vaccine, a shot that caused convulsions in one percent of Australian infants who received it.
To put this vaccine scandal in perspective, the CDC states that ‘seizures can occur after vaccination,’ 33% of infants who have a first seizure will have more seizures and 10% of infants who have one seizure can develop epilepsy. According to the Merck Manual (the largest-selling medical textbook), seizures are a symptom of encephalitis, which the Merck Manual defines as a vaccine adverse reaction. Vaccine-induced encephalitis can leave a spectrum of permanent brain damage in its wake – post-encephalitic syndrome (aka epilepsy and autism). In other words, kids that have convulsions from Afluria can have lifelong neurological disabilities.
Incredibly, the defective CSL flu vaccine Afluria is still on the market in the US: FDA-approved and CDC-recommended. The only concession US vaccine authorities have made to this Afluria scandal is to raise the recommended age for this vaccine, but even that feeble response is colored by a direction to give Afluria to young kids anyway if no other flu vaccine is available.
This vaccinate-at-any-cost mentality displays the utter depravity of US vaccine authorities. They really don’t care about vaccine adverse reactions or the victims of defective vaccines. When vaccine regulators are so transparently irresponsible, it is up to individuals and families to defend their own health by rejecting the gung-ho vaccine recommendations of the CDC, FDA and medical profession.
This award is a smack in the face to asleep-at-the-wheel US journalists, who are being instructed by the National Press Foundation (at the behest of Seth Mnookin, Gates’ GAVI vaccine alliance and minions of Paul Offit) to censor all negative reports on vaccine issues and stick to big pharma’s and the CDC’s party line.
‘These articles were published in the face of hostility and stonewalling from the federal health department and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) …
Natasha Bita chipped away methodically and professionally at Australia’s questionable vaccine policy. Beginning with a story about an adverse reaction to the flu vaccine, she realised she was onto a bigger story. Her series was not only newsworthy, but of significant public benefit, and revealed the personal traumas behind the statistics.’
2011 Walkley Award winners
Natasha Bita, The Australian, “Virus in the system”
The Walkley Foundation and its custodian, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, congratulate all the winners of the 56th Annual Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism.
Last year, the federal government suspended the seasonal flu vaccine for young children after it triggered febrile convulsions in one per cent, resulting in dozens of hospitalisations and a possible death.
This suspension may not have taken place if not for Natasha Bita’s reporting of the health scandal and the flaws in the country’s system of approving and monitoring new medicines.
Government inquiries have since recommended major reform.
In a series of 23 articles for The Australian, including a 4600-word cover story in The Weekend Australian Magazine, Bita exposed manufacturing flaws at Australia’s biggest pharmaceutical company, CSL, as well as potential conflicts of interest between the government’s key immunisation advisers, and wastage at a cost to taxpayers of $65 million.
These articles were published in the face of hostility and stonewalling from the federal health department and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
After Bita’s front-page interview with a boy who contracted polio from a vaccine, the federal health minister said she was open to the idea of a compensation scheme for people suffering the side-effects of immunisation.
Bita is the consumer editor of The Australian, where she has worked since 1990. In 2007 she transferred to Europe, working as the London-based Olympics correspondent for the News Limited group of newspapers, and then as Italy correspondent for The Australian until her return to Brisbane in 2008.
Judges’ comments
Natasha Bita chipped away methodically and professionally at Australia’s questionable vaccine policy. Beginning with a story about an adverse reaction to the flu vaccine, she realised she was onto a bigger story. Her series was not only newsworthy, but of significant public benefit, and revealed the personal traumas behind the statistics.”
8 Responses to Australian journalist wins prestigious award for exposing flu vaccine scandal
Noreen Albright says:
November 28, 2011 at 8:08 pm
My son had an over active inflammatory reaction to the flu shot and was diagnosed 6 months later with Autism. He also had seizures, lost control of his tongue (so had difficulty eating and speaking) and balance and muscle control problems. They better listen up! The parents and others are on to them. I disregarded parents because the MEDICAL field told me they were “unfounded” only to have my PERSONAL experience of the same thing the parents truthfully spoke of and find out that NO ONE is responsible for the care of these kids who suffer their whole life with medical problems and all these hours upon hours of therapy. Government and pharma should pay and so should the FDA and CDC for being as bad as Phillip Morris. YES, vaccination can cause gene mutation and up the anty for Autism and turn on things in a young infant ARTIFICIALLY causing brain inflammation, interfering with connectivity and pruning of neurons and ultimately causing a cascade of problems.
Len Saputo, MD says:
November 30, 2011 at 8:15 am
I also wrote a scathing article about the Swine Flu Scandal. I think you’ll enjoy it. Check it out on my website at:
Please enjoy and let me know what you think…smile
Dr. Len
Anthony Lucca says:
November 30, 2011 at 8:23 pm
Bill Gates was getting a tax passed at G20 meetings last month on every stock market trade and speculation called the Robin Hood tax to give the billions to fund his genetically modified food and vaccine investments for the poorest nations when we destroy more food than we consume thru the department of agriculture in order to control PROFIT~ Vaccines are bad for an infant’s immature neurological systems causing degeneration and destruction of life. If you are told it is mandatory to get vaccines tell them you want IN WRITING that there will be no detrimental effect from the vaccine or damage to the infants nervous system.
tania says:
November 30, 2011 at 11:51 pm
I read it Dr Len, and i congratulate you and thank you for your info, particularly when people are saying I’m a whackjob and nutter for not vaccinating on stupid facebook groups where you have 50 know-it-alls with no medical background screaming at you. It’s good to know you have our back’s.TY TY TY/.
vmv says:
December 1, 2011 at 4:38 pm
Congratulations to Natasha Bita–we need more journalists like her!
Noreen Albright, my deepest empathy for you and your son, who has autism. I hope that you will tell as many people as possible about your own experience, including doctors and legislators. Maybe someday enough people will listen that things will change! Dr. Len, I plan to read your article. And also, I agree with Anthony Lucca.
Also, I am concerned about the children in third world countries who are given vaccines. I’ve read that those vaccines still contain mercury.
Katherine de Bry says:
December 2, 2011 at 3:48 am
It is so good to see someone being heard, when they are questioning the SACRED VACCINATION LOBBY. Recently I heard an interview on the radio by someone from the teachers federation, stating that they have had a 400% increase in autism in the last 8 years…Why are there no alarm bells ringing??? Could it be that Vaccinating babies at 3 days old , with 5 or 6 different could cause their imune systems into overdrive????
nikkii says:
December 2, 2011 at 2:07 pm
they actually made up certain virus – its a way of creating fear and mass purchase of medical supplies thus increasing the economy to the pharma bank accounts.. Drs are Dangerous because they fail to warn the patient of the dangers of vaccinations but they are all too quick to tell you to quit smoking..
Jeff Mann says:
December 3, 2011 at 6:12 am
NY Times is shocked! to learn of pharma companies bribing doctors? Come on guys, having a parent who wrote for the Washington Post for 27 years up until the last decade, she would not have been shocked or even surprised-10 years ago, much less five when she was given the last pharmaceudical which destroyed her immune-system and thus her chances at survival! The fact of this matter is that the pharmaceudical industry,yes I know spelling is off, is and has been engaged in radical shifts in their policies toward immunizations recently, and most whom are paying attention realize this is part of the globalist agenda gearing toward controlling population, and in future whom actually are able to breed, its called “Eugenics” look it up, a last ditch effort from the so-called elite before their services are no longer required!